• New Year’s Resolutions

    January 18th, 2016

    Hey everyone! This is Paige Woods, Emily O. Holmes’s Social Media Coordinator, and welcome back to EOH Blog! I am so excited for this new year, and as I was thinking through posts for this upcoming season, I wanted to share with you all my thoughts and resolutions for the road ahead. Working for a paper company grounds me in tradition and intentionality. Forming this post, I thought of our craft and business, setting goals for the creative spirit and small business owner. Looking forward to the posts ahead!

    Every year, EOH takes a moment to pause, breathe, reflect, and aspire to new places. This was a year full of change and busyness, and although we love the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we are thankful to approach this year with a fresh pair of eyes and rest, which only relaxation and time can bring. When I personally sat down to write resolutions for the new year, I tried to think about big ideas, lists, and charts to help set me up for personal successful. But then I realized, personal success does not necessarily come without process. Processing is essential for progress; progress, as a word, entails a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage. However, progress means the goal actually hasn’t been reached. Truly, New Year’s Resolutions are ideas in progress and effort towards a better you + world around you. 

    Therefore, here are personal resolutions—some that take process and patience—which will bring peace and growth to both you + your community in the new year.


    1. Slow down- One of the things I personally struggle with is maintaining the balance between the packed, busy-bee schedule and room for just hanging out, breathing, and relaxing. As a post-grad adult, no longer bound to a student schedule, I feel the need to just pause, look around, see the needs of the day, and only dive into what is in front of me. Although I do believe in planning in advance, I try to look only for my daily portion and not hoard or take on more than I can handle. Each day will come with it’s own issues, so for a moment, breathe and slow down.


    2. Take more walks- I realize that I remain stationary for most of my day. I typically am sitting down for my job whether learning, designing, or writing emails and posts. Sometimes, I need to get out of my house though to just breathe some fresh air and take a look around my neighborhood. Whether you’re in Nashville and venture to one of the many Edwin or Percy Warner Parks or even Radnor Lake or walking around New York City’s High Line in Chelsea, look around and soak in your environment. You were meant to be in this place in this season at this time, and it is important to take it all in. Also, walking sometimes clears your head more than a good Netflix show anyways.


    3. Make more home cooked meals- Pinterest is my best friend for this resolution. I wish I could say I was a natural cook, but I really need more innovative, creative ideas for my three meals a day. Instead of going out all the time, I vow to seriously devote my time and effort to achieving a good home cooked meal. There really is nothing like gathering around the table of your home with your family or good friends, laughing and conversing about the day or deepest thoughts. I truly believe that home cooked meals only breed more thoughtful friendships and memories.

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    4. Learn something new- Last year, I pledged myself to learning how to play the guitar. I am not quite sure when this newfound musical interest will be pursued, but I know I will pick it up during this year. I never want to stop learning or growing, and I always want to expand my interests and skills. Can you think of something you have always wanted to do but fear, time, or lack of experience has stopped you? Maybe you could pick up calligraphy, blogging, running, or even book-binding? Look into your local community center, church, or YMCA for ideas of new things to learn!


    5. Write everyday- Whether this is journaling, essay-writing, or even forming the next great American novel, it is important to document your days and observe your growth throughout the year. One of the things I look forward in December is grabbing my old journal and paging through each entry. Faith and growth can only be measured by looking back, and by writing everyday, you stimulate and reflect on your thoughts.

    With these resolutions in mind, we, here at EOH, hope you have the happiest 2016! We look forward to slowing down, starting fresh, and moving forward with you in the new year!

    Photos Courtesy of Jocelyn Youngdahl & Madding McFadden